Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Media plays a negative role on the shaping of gender role construction in Bangladesh, is it moral to do it?

Media is a great way of communication whether it is print or electronic media. The matter of sorrow is that most of the time media communicates with people and it is one sided communication. Therefore, people have no amendment to them. However, they amend the people. They say what, that is true or made to be true, reality. In fact, this is happening because no one can go against them strongly. Now, they are liable to the gender role construction of Bangladesh. These impacts on gender role construction of Bangladesh negatively which is very bad news for general people. The discussion will show how the gender role construction of Bangladesh by media is related to morality and is it moral to do it?

Obviously, the first question will arise that how media is shaping gender role construction. If one looks deeply, he will be clear about that. There are many advertisements in Bangladeshi TV channels. All the Ads are not similar and they are giving different meaning from different perspectives. In some Ads, they are showing women for specific works. For example, there is an ad of 'Radhuni' Spices where mother asks her son to bring a Radhuni – (Cooker) in their home. However, she meant a bride by the term ‘Radhuni’. So, does a bride means cooker? Again, does she is only appointed for this job? Apparently, does not. Hence, why they will treat a bride as a cooker? They should be equity between men and women but ads are showing that they are unequal. Therefore, this is totally immoral. They are just making the way of success constant to the women.

In addition to previous point, some other ads show that men are always rescuing women while women fall in danger. However, they are not showing women are saving men anytime. This means that women or girls are always weaker than men and they cannot help men. On the other hand, in real life situation women are helping men in various situations but they are not getting the credit of that. Furthermore, ads are treating them as weaker. This should not be.

However, Media is always emphasizing on women rights but not about the rights of men. In fact, they forgot that men have some rights yet. These make sense that men have no problems in society where women have. Some people can say that this statement is irrelevant but if one thinks more critically than he will be clear that men also should aware about their rights. If it is not considered now as a matter of consciousness, one day women will confirm all of their rights where men will be vulnerable. Now, media can play a great role here but if they do not then it will be immoral because they are treating men and women differently.

In this stage of discussion it is very clear that media is obviously shaping the gender role construction in the society. Most importantly, they are doing wrong for both men and women. Sometimes they emphasis on men and sometimes they emphasis on women people. So, none of them are treated in a good sight. Media is just playing with the general people of the country.

Finally, overall discussion shows that media is playing a negative function while shaping gender role construction in Bangladesh which is morally wrong. Even these actions can change the moral behavior of people. Occasionally, it is also making unhelpful impact on intellectuals. There should be legal aids to eliminate these kinds of activity in media and construct good ad farms to make creative advertisement in Bangladesh.

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